Thursday, February 24, 2011


This morning before work I had the opportunity to wake up early and go to the Manhattan Temple Baptistry.

I was able to sit in the baptistry seating for a good 20 minutes, allowing me to take a deep breath and reflect.

It was completely still, completely quiet and completely filled with the peaceful spirit.
The moment I sat down on the cushy chairs facing the font, emotion overcame me.

You know that feeling when you've been cold all day then you finally find a room where the sun is peering in the window at just the right spot. You sit, preferably lay down right where the sun hits the bottom and close your eyes, and all the sudden you are warm. You are relaxed.

That's how I felt.

It's Good thing no one was in the room, or they would have seen a sorry teary eyed girl, and not known what to do.

I just want you all to know that the Church is true.

It brings peace of mind and solitude.
It brings confidence and strength.
It brings a reason to wake up in the morning and
a reason to kneel down beside your bed every night.
It brings a smile to a stranger and a shoulder to lean on.

It brings the warm comforting arms of the Savior wrapped around me
in the peaceful solitude of the Manhattan Baptistry when I am feeling discouraged.

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