Letter from my dad:
Hello my wonderful family!
Mom and I are trying to figure out when would be the best time for our family to gather at Lake Powell. At the present our options are the following weeks: May 27 – June 3 (includes Memorial Weekend), July 1 – 8 (includes Fourth of July) or July 15 – 22. With the understanding that at this time you may not know exactly what might be happening in your life this summer, please let me know which week or weeks you think would work best for you, even if you are only able to stay for a few days.
Thanks and I hope you all have a great day!
Love, Dad
My Response:
Dear family,
I would like to announce to you all that I will be available for all of the following weeks to go to lake powell. Even though it may be hard to escape from my tremendous and rigorous responsibilities, I have come to the realization that family needs to come first in my life. One may say that every now and again you need to unplug and recharge and I would want nothing more than to do such things with such uplifting and loving people.
What a wonderful opportunity and I will do my best to tell my people that this time is necessary to step away and have some ME time.
Thank you for your support.
Light and Love,
Oh, Anna. You are so funny. . .and accomodating!