Monday, February 21, 2011

Food is our Speciality

Welcome to Eli Zabar Vinegar Factory.
Don't worry. We didn't have Vinegar for breakfast.
But we did have these amazing deliciousnesses.
Food has become a speciality of ours. Making sure we make it to every recommended restaurant in town is necessary to our happiness.
In fact, we've started to show the locals around.
We should start a business.
"The Newbies Knowledge of the Nicest Number one Nummy's"

(I dont know why I like alliteration so much. But I realize I use it a lot.)
***We can just call it AAAA - Anna's Awesome Alliteration Act****

1 comment:

  1. Since I am visiting New York some day, I want you to keep a detailed list of all the best places to eat so when I go I can have that list in hand! Please and thank you!
