Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UPS stinks

Today was quite the eventful day let me tell you. Aside from waking up to 12 inches of snow. and wearing 7 layers of clothing, we were able to really see how the city functions in such adverse weather conditions. functions by making people slip on ice, piling up trash, splashing people on the streets and creating wind so cold that it bites your ears off. pleasant.
Today we went to the Food Plaza for lunch. It's about as elegant as it sounds. Mac and Cheese, and warmed up rice. So yum.

So here's the exciting part. My mom had sent a box with one of those warm long down fur coats. The ones i've been talking about so I can fit in. Yea, she got me one so I can look like im a real New Yorker. So, the box was supposedly sent yesterday and signed for by "G. Tonge". awful last name if you ask me. Anyway, I never received it. So my search goes like this:
1. ask the front temple security desk. Rose. Her real name is Basante, but in her Guyana accent she says "my momma gave me stupid name, so I go by Rose."
2. Ask the family history center. no go
3. ask the temple workers. After they prayed about it, they said they didn't know. (bad joke i know)
4. Go to the United States Postal Service Office with Rose across the street. Told me that G. Tonge works for ABC Headquarters across the street, and to go there.and admit they have issues delivering mail sometimes. Well...Isn't that Ironic.
5. Ask ABC Headquarters, who direct me to their mail room around the corner and try to convince me to show up at 5 am the next day to be on the Regis and Kelly Show.
6. Go to the ABC Mailroom. They said they didn't see it and to come back tomorrow in hopes they didn't open the box and give the coat to the ABC Coat Drive
7. Go back to the Temple and complain.
8. Receive a call from the ABC Mailroom telling me they actually DID find my box
9. Go back to the ABC Mailroom and retrieve my box and thank them lots and lots
10. Go back to my office and open my box and show off my nice warm coat that I worked so hard to get.
11. Thank you mom! The scissors and dishtowels were such a wonderful extra surprise!

To top off my day we went to Institute in the beloved Temple that I spend so much of my time in. (I really do love it). The teacher was great...the people were interesting. But nevertheless we will persevere........ and go to another institute class.
Much love from the cold cold city

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